Prestigious gifts in the slave trade
Prestigious gifts in the era of the trade in enslaved Africans By Ana Lucia Araujo. The exchange of gifts has been part of social protocol…
Between ubuntu and milonga: the Bantu legacy in Brazil
By Stefania Capone. The Ubuntu philosophy is seen as a model of ethical behaviour by some capoeira groups. Anthropologist Stefania Capone, a specialist in African-based…
Tanure Ojaide: African Battle Traditions of Insult
By Tanure Ojaide. The challenges that exist in capoeira and in Brazilian popular culture fit into a larger African tradition of battles of insults…
What do we know about the south of Angola between 8000 BCE and 1400 CE? And how can we know more?
By Marcos Leitão de Almeida. In her post for this blog, historian Mariana Candido rightly stated that there is a lack of archaeological evidence for…