The project

Contemporary Capoeira in Rio de Janeiro, 1948-82

The project “Capoeira Contemporânea no Rio de Janeiro, 1948-82” is systematically conducting oral history interviews and collecting material from local sound, image and newspaper archives. The results of the research and the contributions of consultants and other collaborators are made available on this project website in the form of site pages, clips, blogs, podcasts and links to academic articles. If you would like to contribute with photographs or audio-visual material from the years 1948-82, or write a blog about a relevant topic, please get in touch through the email capoeirahistory at

Given the advanced age of the masters of the first and second generations which are still alive, and the absence of dedicated capoeira archives or libraries, the project aims to rescue this rich memory and make it accessible to practitioners and a wider interested audience.

This project is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council – AHRC  (2018-2020) and based at the University of Essex.  Our project partner in Rio de Janeiro is the Laboratory of Oral History and Image (LABHOI) at the Federal Fluminense University.