Tourinho of Tavares Bastos: birth of a capoeirista
By Katya Wesolowski (Camarão). Manda saltar aí, capoeirista!” Obligingly, Tourinho launched his short, muscular body forward on the steep, cobblestoned slope of Pedro América. A…
Roda de Caxias, Exhibition by Maria Buzanowski
By Matthias Röhrig Assunção. Capoeira street rodas are documented in Rio de Janeiro since the famous engraving based on a watercolour by Johann Moritz Rugendas,…
The Musical Legacy of Mestre Paraná’s Capoeira
Juan Diego Díaz (University of California, Davis) Davis, CA, Jun 11, 2019 Have you heard about mestre Paraná? If so, did you know that he…
Teles Roda
By Matthias Röhrig Assunção. The Teles Arch O Arco do Teles (detail from Debret, 1830) The Largo do Paço square and the surrounding area was…