Master Paulão da Muzenza

Paulo Sérgio da Silva was introduced to capoeira in Rio de Janeiro by his brother Luiz Américo da Silva, Mestre Mintirinha, more than fifty years ago. A state school student, he owes capoeira his first degree in higher education ‑ Bachelor of Law- because he obtained a scholarship for his performance as a university athlete in a capoeira competition.

He joined the Brazilian Navy as a marine, and after 31 years of service he went into the reserve as a senior officer. During that time, he taught capoeira to everyone around him in state schools, in the Armed Forces, at universities and society at large. In the 1960s he founded the capoeira group Muzenza, which is one of the largest capoeira groups in the world today.

A member of Masters Council of Rio de Janeiro created by the Brazilian Institute for Historical and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN), he was awarded the Viva Meu Mestre Award, also by IPHAN, in 2010. M. Paulão currently fights for the formalisation of the profession of capoeira master and the safeguard of the art.