
Jogo Lines

Among the many dances of Southwest Angola, Khakula, Ovipiluka or Ovissungo and Onkhili where documented by the project team:


Khakula is a challenge between cattle owners. Herders praise each of their oxen in a recitative chant (Sprechgesang), with short dancing interludes that mimic the shape of the horns or gait of the ox. As Soba Pingafana explains, it also allows wealthier, and (usually older) men to shine since poorer herders do not possess so many head of cattle to praise.
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Alberto Joaquim Muaninga, Soba Grande (traditional chief) of Mucope, performing Khakula.
Bellybounce in Ovipiluka dance (Mucope).

Ovipiluka and Ovissungo

Ovipiluka and Ovissungo are the names given to the dance but also the songs which are performed by Nkhumbi women in Southern Angola (extra 3). The dance is usually accompanied by two drums and handclapping, with the songs providing the framework for the course of proceedings. For instance, the short-lined songs at the beginning and at the end welcome the guests and thank the host. Other songs allude to key themes of the festivity and use humour to comment on people’s behaviour. The dance follows a basic step pattern, following the drums, but is interpreted through variations and individual improvisations. Omumbanda is an older dance for women, rarely practised today.


Onkhili is an athletic dance from a village in Quilengues. Its famously powerful jumps were already documented in the early twentieth century. Women do not jump themselves but support the whole weight of the men on their shoulders. Also prominent in today’s form are zebra-like kicks performed by men.
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Onkhili performance in Bonga (Quilengues, 2010).