Film credits

Body Games. Capoeira and Ancestry
Documentary Film. 87 mins., 2014. Nyaneka and Portuguese, Subtitles: Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish subtitles available. UK/Brazil/South Africa
Voice: Cobra Mansa
Directed by: Richard Pakleppa
Co-Directed by: Matthias Röhrig Assunção & Cobra Mansa
Editor: Catherine Meyburgh
Produced by Richard Pakleppa (On Land Productions)
Co-produced by Matthias Röhrig Assunção (Manganga Produções), Cobra Mansa
Executive Producer: Matthias Röhrig Assunção
Camera: Richard Pakleppa
Additional camera: Matthias Röhrig Assunção, Christine Dettmann
Still Photography: Cobra Mansa
Lead Researcher: Matthias Röhrig Assunção
Ethnomusicologist & Research Assistant: Christine Dettmann
Sound: Richard Pakleppa, Christine Dettmann
Consultant Historian: Dr Mariana Candido
Production Assistants: Zito Pacheco, Belinda Waterman, Zahira Meyburgh, Jannous Aukema
Interpreters: Tchilulu Ntchongolola, Angelina Lombe
Assistant Translators: Nkhole António, Gege Poggi, Ana Escaleira, Steve Grunberg
Revision: Renata Daflon, Manaíra Assunção
Graphics DVD: Mzwandile Buthelezi
Campaign Poster: Juan Pablo Espinosa Gutierrez
Music recording: Marius Botha, The Headroom, Durban
Sound Mix: Guy Steer, Record Sound Studios
On Line: Yoav Dagan, Tint Post Production
Participants in Brazil
Participants in Angola
Special Thanks
Thank you to the many helpers in Angola, Brazil, Portugal, Namibia, South Africa and the United Kingdom: